Standard Plan

Solo Practice Essentials for Professionals

Get a secure website with integrated marketing and business automation tools. Designed, hosted, and supported with care by seasoned professionals.


per month + $1k setup

Premium Plan

Solo Practice Essentials for Healthcare

Get everything in the Standard Plan, plus a secure EHR and practice management system. Integrates seamlessly with your website and comes with a secure client portal.


per month + $1k setup

Sensible plans with transparent pricing and a 30-day money-back guarantee. All prices are in Canadian dollars.

Features & Benefits

Practice Website

A customized website tailored to your practice. Our websites are built on the WordPress platform, utilizing a handpicked selection of premium plugins and themes. We start with our proven core framework and then personalize the design to reflect your unique character, ensuring a seamless and satisfying online experience for your clients.

Experience worry-free website management with our all-inclusive plan. Our comprehensive web hosting and care plan provides everything you need to ensure a secure and reliable online presence for your practice. Benefit from Canadian website hosting, maintenance, updates, security, and 24/7 monitoring. You also get one hour of dedicated assistance each month for any task, giving you the peace of mind to focus on your clients. Need more than an hour of help in a specific month? Additional time is available at a reasonable hourly rate.

Create a website that accurately reflects your practice. We start with our proven foundation. Then, we work closely with you to customize your website until it’s uniquely yours, ensuring that your online presence stands out from the crowd and appeals to your ideal clients. We create or source the text, images, layout and design, ensuring your website effectively conveys your unique message and expertise.

Streamline your client bookings with an integrated online appointment system. Built directly into your website, this feature allows your clients to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments 24/7 without the hassle of phone calls or emails. Enhance your client’s experience and save time.

Our Premium Plan includes secure appointment scheduling that complies with personal health information requirements (i.e. PHIPA).

Stay ahead of constantly changing privacy laws. Our automated policy management and cookie notification feature keeps you compliant with privacy laws by generating and updating policy pages (privacy policy, terms of service, etc.) in accordance with the latest requirements. The service monitors changes to privacy laws and updates your policy pages accordingly, ensuring that your website always has an up-to-date and compliant privacy policy. Simplify your practice and save time while increasing compliance and reducing liability.

Digital security and privacy are built into our platform at all levels. We include an SSL certificate, ensuring all data on your site is encrypted and protected. Your site is hosted in a secure Toronto data center with daily off-site backups. We implement multiple firewalls, DDoS protection, two-factor authentication and detailed access logs, ensuring only authorized access. With these layers of protection, you can trust that your website is in secure hands.

Get expert assistance with each step. We’ll work closely with you to understand your unique needs and provide tailored solutions to help you achieve your goals. Whether you need help with technical issues, design and branding, or content creation, we offer hands-on help and guidance. We provide a seamless and stress-free experience and take care of the technical details so you can focus on what you do best.

Practice Marketing

Our Brand message playbook is designed to help you clearly communicate your practice’s unique value proposition to your target audience. We’ll work closely with you to identify your ideal client and create a messaging strategy that speaks directly to their needs and concerns. Our playbook includes guidelines for developing a strong brand identity, key messaging points for your website and social media channels, and tips for effectively communicating with your clients. By leveraging our expertise in branding and marketing, you can establish a clear and compelling brand message that resonates with your audience and helps your practice stand out in a crowded market.

Our Brand identity style guide is designed to ensure consistency and cohesiveness across all of your marketing materials. We’ll work closely with you to develop a brand identity that accurately reflects your practice’s values and resonates with your target audience. Our style guide includes guidelines for your logo, typography, colour palette, and imagery, with clear advice on how to use each element effectively. By establishing a strong brand identity and adhering to a consistent style guide, you can build trust and recognition with your audience and establish your practice as a leading authority in your field.

Keep your website fresh and engaging with our user-friendly content publishing tools. Effortlessly create and update blog posts, articles, and resources to showcase your expertise and provide valuable information to your clients. Our intuitive content management system streamlines the process, making it easy to maintain a dynamic, informative website that reflects your practice’s unique personality and values.

Our automated email marketing feature simplifies your marketing efforts and helps you stay connected with your clients. With our easy-to-use system, you can send unlimited scheduled newsletters, welcome messages, and new post notifications to up to 20k subscribers, all from the convenience of your website dashboard at no additional charge. Nurture relationships with an email marketing system that respects your subscribers’ privacy. Our user-friendly platform makes email marketing a breeze.

Our automatic search engine optimization (SEO) feature helps improve your website’s visibility and ranking in search engines, making it easier for potential clients to find you. With baked-in optimization and expert configuration, your website is automatically optimized for search engines without requiring any technical knowledge on your part. This means your website will have a better chance of showing up in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attracting more visitors. Maximize your online visibility to increase your reach and grow your practice.

Gain valuable insights into your website’s traffic with our built-in analytics. Our analytics tool tracks key metrics such as page views, referral sources, and visitor demographics to help you understand your audience and optimize your website. With privacy as a top priority, our analytics tool respects visitor privacy while providing the data you need to make informed decisions. All of this data is easily accessible right from your website dashboard, so you don’t need to be a technical expert to use it.

Your plan includes a Google Workspace subscription, giving you access to a professional, branded email address that helps establish credibility and trust with your clients. In addition, Google Workspace offers powerful tools to enhance collaboration and productivity, including calendars, secure cloud storage, video conferencing, and easy-to-use document creation and editing capabilities.

Practice Automation

Simplify session booking with an intuitive scheduling system to easily manage appointments, cancellations, and reminders. Seamless website integration makes it easy for clients to book sessions online, reducing administrative tasks and enabling you to focus on what you do best.

Enhance client communication and maintain confidentiality with a secure client portal. Share resources, documents, and invoices while protecting sensitive information. Clients can conveniently access their accounts, review treatment plans, and communicate with you in a secure, easy-to-navigate environment.

Save time and reduce no-shows with customizable, automated reminders. Notify clients of upcoming appointments via email or SMS and receive confirmation or rescheduling requests, ensuring a smooth and efficient practice experience for you and your clients.

Streamline your practice’s financial management with an integrated billing system. Delight your clients with easy and secure online payments. Create and send invoices, track payments, and create reports effortlessly, keeping your practice organized and efficient. Never chase another late payment.

Conduct seamless and secure video sessions from anywhere. Whether you’re on macOS, Windows, Android, or iOS, all modern browsers support our system. Clients enjoy easy access with an invitation code or through their client portal. Plus, you can confidently start a session knowing your clients have been authenticated, ensuring each call’s privacy. With reminders, screen sharing, and messaging capabilities, it’s all about making your online practice efficient and secure.

Expedite documentation with customizable templates for treatment plans, progress notes, intake forms, etc. Tailor templates to fit your practice’s needs, maintain consistency, and simplify record-keeping, giving you more time to focus on your clients and run your practice.

Our recommended practice management system is designed to comply with Canadian privacy and security legislation, including PHIPA and PIPEDA. With all patient data securely stored in Canada, you can rest easy knowing you’ve got client privacy and data security covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

While it may seem tempting to update your current website, our experience shows that rebuilding your website on our system is both faster and more cost-effective. With over three decades of experience, we craft websites using industry best practices and enterprise-class infrastructure. We ensure a smooth transition to your new website with no downtime or disruption to your visitors. No matter your current platform, we’re confident you’ll appreciate the benefits our solution offers.

We understand some prefer using a familiar hosting provider; however, we utilize our trusted hosting solution for all websites we develop. This approach ensures optimal performance, seamless integration with our preferred practice management system, and consistent, high-quality support. By using our hosting provider, you can experience the full range of benefits our platform offers while maintaining a hassle-free and efficient service.

Armoury Media may not be your ideal partner if you require administrative access to your website for tasks such as installing plugins, modifying site design, or performing other admin duties. Our clients are typically busy professionals who trust our expertise and rely on us to manage the technical and creative aspects of their web presence. This approach allows them to avoid technical headaches so they can focus on providing the best care for their clients.

We believe it’s essential for our service to adapt and expand as your requirements shift and your practice develops over time. Our platform is the culmination of extensive efforts to create an optimal solution tailored specifically for Canadian solo professionals. While we always welcome feedback and suggestions for enhancements, we must also preserve the integrity of our platform to ensure a fast, secure, and reliable experience for both you and your clients.

Our platform is designed to be flexible and adaptable. We understand that each practice may have preferred tools and processes, so we strive to ensure compatibility with popular third-party tools and services. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and learn more about integration options.

Security is our top priority. We partner with PracticeQ to provide secure separation and seamless integration between your website and client data. Their practice management system is designed to comply with Canadian privacy regulations and industry best practices to protect your sensitive patient data. Secure servers, encrypted data, multiple firewalls, and two-factor authentication help to ensure your data remains safe and confidential.

While we specialize in supporting solo practitioners, we recognize that your needs may change as your practice grows. We flex and pivot to support your growth as your practice expands or consolidates. Our platform adapts to accommodate your practice’s unique requirements, providing the tools and resources for seamless collaboration, communication, and management. As your practice evolves, you can trust us to be there every step of the way, offering personalized support and tailored services that meet your changing needs. Our Team Member add-on provides a flexible and affordable way to grow your team as needed:

  • Standard Plan Team Member: $20/member/month
  • Premium Plan Team Member: $30/member/month

No problem. We want our clients to stay because they love working with us, not because they’re locked in. We don’t do long-term contracts, so you can cancel your subscription anytime with no financial penalty. Check out our terms of service to learn more about our subscription cancellation policy.

Got more questions? Get in touch or book a consultation, and let’s chat.